Cover Stain

I used Zinsser Cover Stain to coat a stained varnished window board followed by two Undercoats and a gloss. The results were amazing

Watch “What Paint To Use Over Nicotine” on YouTube

Crown Steracryl Mold Inhibiting Matt

Crown Steracryl Mold Inhibiting Matt is what I used for these bathrooms. It was the first time I used this product and the results were amazing. The walls were in a sheen before but attracted mold so after using a fugicidal solution I used this Matt finish and it turned out better than a sheen also preventing Mold growth in the future.

Zinsser Cover Stain

Cover Stain by Zinsser is the best product for painting over nicotine as you can’t paint emulsion onto of the nicotine stained ceiling and walls. The stains will come straight back through the paint. Cover Stain dries in 30 mins and saves washing walls with sugar soap.

Feature Chimney Breast

A chimney breast picked out in a Dulux. Ties in well with the wallpaper.

Laura Ashley Paint

I used a Laura Ashley paint on these walls and was impressed with the results.

360 Light

A must have for any decorator. This light is 360 degree so you can get light all around the room especially this time of year.

Feature Wallpaper

Another feature wall in wallpaper that brings out the very best in a room.

Feature wallpaer

Another feature wall that brin

Frosted Vinyl

A clear window that I did in vinyl to give it an opaque frosted look to provide privacy and still it lets in light.